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Las características principales de la aplicación se explican en detalle en la página INICIO . A continuación se muestra una descripción general de algunas de las características que agregaremos a la aplicación una vez que se complete la funcionalidad principal.


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Organizations can now share an in-depth look at the Big Issues that they face on their profiles. Each issue will have a quick summary with photos, videos, and links to help supporters understand the issue, information on how this issue affects the organizations mission, what the organization is doing to address the issue, and actions supporters can take now to help.


Additionally, we’ve added the option for organizations to add direct links back to these Big Issues on each of their campaign posts. Making it easy to share background information on an issue to supporters in real-time.


We heard from countless conservationists and their supporters about how they wanted a better way to find organizations and people who are working on issues that they are passionate about. With our new Research Topics feature an organization can select different research topics that they focus on and add them to their profile and campaigns. 

When an organization ‘tags’ these research topics, it makes them searchable! This means that if someone searches the research topic, “camera trapping,” all the organizations and campaigns that have “camera trapping” tagged, will populate within the search. Research topics can also be followed so you will get alerts about new posts and organizations as they happen. 

This will help anyone find the organizations and researchers already engaged in this work so they can connect, learn, support, and collaborate. 

Our hope is that this feature will facilitate more discovery, inclusivity, and collaboration across the conservation community.🤝

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Organizations can add the partners that they work with to their profile. We hope this will help people understand the collaborative web that makes up the conservation world and hopefully help people discover new organizations they might not have previously been aware of. Our future development goal is to add a community partners section where organizations can share details about the local communities that they work with and why community involvement is so important to conservation. 


We wanted to make using the Key platform as easy for conservation organizations as possible. This required flexibility for the team so we created a streamlined way for orgs to add team members to their profile, add their role on the team, and give them access permissions on the Key platform. These access permissions allows orgs to decide who can create, edit, update, and close posts. Team members can also work together to create campaigns. For example, a biologist in the field might start building a campaign in the field by uploading a video and caption but then another team member in the office can finish and post the campaign on their desktop. Each campaign post will show the author or authors who wrote it so people can learn more about the team behind the organization and hopefully want to get more involved in supporting them long term.

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Organizations can now add the species they work with to their profile and campaign posts.  We have worked with the IUCN Red List and Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) to pull in data for over 2.7 million species! Organizations can add photos, videos, and fun facts about each species themselves or they can utilize media and facts that other organizations in the community have uploaded and agreed to share. Our goal is to build a foundation where supporters can learn what species an organization works with, more information about them, understand the threat they are under, and ways they can help. Future plans for this feature include allowing supporters to contribute their media to organizations and building out open source educational resources for all to use.



Organizations can now track the impact of their campaigns. With our built-in data system we are able to help organizations understand how individuals are interacting with their campaigns, where support is coming from, what is working and what is not, and how their work and the support of individuals is impacting species survival. Next up in development is creating an Impact Dashboard for supporters.




Use the Global Map to see all of the conservation organizations utilizing the Key Conservation platform. This is also the place where you can search for people, research topics, and species. This is the very foundation of this feature and there is much more to come.

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